Friday, September 4, 2015

A serial killer asks, "Do memories have weight?" A leg is lost on the street. Who is the owner? Sohlberg must solve both mysteries.

My fourth and latest book, Sohlberg and the Lost Leg is, at last, available at Amazon in Kindle and paperback versions.

The novel has lots of thrills, fascinating if not disturbing characters, and plenty of police procedure. My first and foremost goal is to entertain you. My second goal is to inform you about new police procedures and current events in law enforcement and the courts. My third goal is to make you think about important matters in your life and the world we live in.

The book has a soundtrack or playlist of the music that a serial killer listens to when he's out sharing his world of pain. The music is on my youtube channel where you can listen to it while reading the book.

My latest novel basically starts out when a leg is found on a street. But where is the owner? Who would leave a leg behind? Why?

The book has a lot of questions for you---the same questions that Sohlberg has to answer.

Do memories have weight?

What would you do if you found a leg on the street?

Why are the murder victims in this case waiting for their death?

Do some people deserve to die? 

Is there right and wrong, good and evil?

Do you belong to a world of shadows where there is no right or wrong, just shades of anything goes?

Is there a purpose to human suffering?

Why is God the usual suspect when bad things happen to good people?

I hope you enjoy the book.

    Saturday, November 30, 2013

    Obsession. Paranoia. Murder. Money Laundering. Secret Swiss bank accounts. And the White Death.

    Sohlberg and the White Death is finally available worldwide as the third of the Inspector Sohlberg series.

    I hope that readers will enjoy this giant novel on crime . . . it's taken straight out of police files. Meet the characters who live and die in the brave new underworld of international drug cartels and corrupt governments.

    Research for the book took me on an incredible journey through obsession, paranoia, murder, money laundering, drug smuggling, and secret Swiss bank accounts.

    A French detective (Commissaire X in Lyon) gave me the idea for the title when he said that cocaine, heroin, prescription narcotics, etc. are "The White Death". He took me along on several raids and shared information on several investigations. I was shocked at the size, power, and sophistication of the international drug cartels, specially the 'Ndrangheta criminal organization of southern Italy. The 'Ndrangheta control cocaine smuggling into Europe. Their annual take-home pay is in the billions of dollars. One member of the Pelle Crime Family was caught stashing the equivalent of $ 2 billion U.S. dollars ($ 1.47 billion euros) in the walls of his mansion near Paris, France. Obviously, crime pays.

    The commissaire also introduced me to cartels' absolute corrupting power which controls and ruins many policemen, including Michel Neyret. The former Deputy Chief of Police for Lyon, France, has yet to completely clear his name from multiple criminal charges for corruption charges. See, Chrisafis, Angelique, "French 'supercop' arrested on suspicion of colluding with drugs barons." The Guardian, 30 September 2011: online.

    Readers will enter a brave new world where criminals easily earn $ 27 billion in cash. And, yes, that cash is sitting unclaimed in 200 pallets at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow, Russia. See, Stewart, Will. “Is Saddam Hussein's fortune in a warehouse in Moscow? Mystery over £16.75bn piles of cash left at airport for six years” Daily Mail. 29 Sept. 2013: online

    The existence and location of the $ 27 billion dollars has been reported in many newspapers, including the Daily Mail (London, UK). The shipper, Farzin Koroorian Motlagh, has proven to be elusive in the extreme during all interviews with police and journalists. Part of the money, without a doubt, comes from the 'Ndrangheta. I have no doubts that the Pelle-Vottari-Romeo clan from San Luca is the source.

    I hope that readers will enjoy this giant novel on crime . . . it's taken straight out of police files. Meet the characters who live in the brave new underworld of international drug cartels. Danger lurks everywhere for Inspector Sohlberg as it does in real life for the brave individuals who fight corruption and crime.

    Thursday, June 20, 2013

    The essence of the NSA spy program PRISM: "We have met the enemy and he is us."

    Chapter 6 of my book Sohlberg and the Gift is based on NSA and CIA sources who introduced me to the notorious PRISM spy program that’s now making headline news.

    I started meeting with NSA and CIA sources when I began writing Sohlberg and the Gift. A glimpse into their shadowy world blew my mind. I also met with sources from Norway’s intelligence agency PST (Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste). All of the sources confirmed what many of us had long suspected. The NSA maintains an enormous spy facility inside Norway where the USA spies on everyone— including American and foreign companies, government officials, and civilians.

    The underground facility (protected by 1,400 feet of granite walls) is a high-security mountain fortress known as the “Electrolux Center” in Europe and “Hoover Center” in the USA. It’s named after vacuum cleaners because it’s literally an electronic vacuum cleaner that sucks up and intercepts all telephone and Internet communications and signals between the USA and Europe. Since 2001, the NSA has forced and blackmailed telecom manufacturers and providers of telephone communications and Internet services into allowing the agency to capture, copy, and reroute every electronic and digital signal in the world.

    Where does all this information go? Utah where the NSA has a $ 1.7 billion data storage facility. Expansion plans call for construction to begin on another 1 million square feet of buildings to house computers with a daily 4 trillion terabyte storage capacity. Stalin and Mao would be proud specially when American government officials use Orwellian doublespeak to call this spying effort  “data mining” and “antiterrorism”.

    One source in Norway took me deep inside the intimidating Krokskogen forest which surrounds Mt. Gyrihaugen. We meandered through a labyrinth of steep mountain valleys. Soon we came upon barbed wire and chainlink fences protected by cameras, infrared sensors, and motion detectors. Thanks to the source’s clearance, we passed high-voltage electric fences. I observed small concrete buildings below signal towers that were high on top of the mountain ridges. Parabolic Cassegrain dishes sprouted like mushrooms in the valleys.

    My sources explained that the CIA and NSA also like to spy on large companies and that many intelligence analysts and senior level people at the CIA and NSA had used inside information to make tens of millions of dollars (and more) from intercepted business communications. Of course these illegal and tax-free profits are tucked away in Swiss and other offshore banks.

    “Yes,” one source explained, “Why not? . . . They spy on you and me and everyone else in the free and not-so-free world.”

    By the way, “Atle”, the hairless albino computer prodigy in my book, is not a real person. He’s based on a mix of my sources, which include Norwegian National Archive employees who have access to Marigold. The Marigold file supposedly has all the information on who killed Olaf Palme the Swedish Prime Minister in 1986 and why. One of my next books will be based on the explosive information that I discovered.

    As the saying goes, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

    Wednesday, September 5, 2012

    Should an author lie to make sentimental (or Politically Correct) readers happy?

    Good if not great literary fiction is all about presenting societies and individuals as they really are and not as they should be.

    Realistic literature or "naturalism" began with great authors like Gustave Flaubert, Stendahl, Émile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, Jane Austen, and the Brontë Sisters. Charles Dickens accelerated the concept with his unvarnished and unsentimental depictions of brutish British society in Victorian times.

    Imagine how ridiculous David Copperfield and Oliver Twist would read if Charles Dickens altered entire scenes so as not to offend the delicate sensibilities of the Establishment and those who wanted to pretend that debtor prisons, child labor and exploitation, and domestic violence did not exist along with overwhelming urban poverty and crime-ridden slums.

    Imagine what sentimental whitewashed hogwash Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird would read like if she did not mention the segregated and ultra-racist Deep South of her childhood and its grotesque criminal justice system that often turned into lynch mobs.

    I should be applauded for my truthful portrayal in Sohlberg and the Gift of the highly dysfunctional Norwegian society that led to the massacre of 77 innocents by anti-immigration murderer Anders Behring Breivik. Instead my proverbial cast pearl landed in a couple of muddied minds of the unthinking knee-jerk Politically Correct.

    I'm writing this article because my publisher has received a coordinated campaign of repetitive "blank form" complaints from "readers" who forget that I only report what I see and hear in Norway on the backlash against immigrants and multiculturalism and how these two "social institutions" are now widely recognized across Europe as failed experiments. They attack me the messenger because they are in denial that Norway is not one happy racially-integrated socialist utopia.

    The maligning complainants ignore the FACT that Oslo has a crime rate hundreds of times greater than New York City and that most crime comes from immigrants. They ignore Europe's and Norway's well-documented honor killings and genital mutilation of Muslim women by their own radicalized and backward men.

    Should I please sentimental and Politically Correct readers who are angry that the messenger reports the truth? Should my books lie and paint Norway as a happy racially integrated family? Did William Faulkner and Harper Lee and Mark Twain paint the Deep South as some idyllic plantation for all whites and all blacks?

    Should Cormac McCarthy in the Border Trilogy (All the Pretty Horses, etc.) paint Mexico as a happy and sleepy good-natured Fiesta-land of three amigos? Should his Blood Meridian or The Road masterpieces read like Little House on the Prairie or Wizard of Oz?

    Good if not great literary fiction must reflect the times we live in. For example, that's why I recently finished reading (and loved) The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Pakistani author Mohsin Hamid. He perfectly describes the inner turmoil of a Western-educated and Americanized Pakistani immigrant after 9/11. His mild character seethes inside with rage at his adopted USA for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Should Mr. Hamid not write a truthful account of what Americanized Pakistani Muslims feel against the USA or would that destroy the "hands across the world" fantasy of the Politically Correct crowd?

    It's a sad reflection on modern Western society that any author's honest and unvarnished portrayal of any society is instantly mob attacked by lemming-like slogan-repeating robots because reality does not fit the one-size-must-fit-all Fantasy Island society of the Very Politically Correct.

    Saturday, June 30, 2012

    New book on betrayal: Sohlberg and the Gift ... (in the shadow of Anders Behring Breivik)

    My new book Sohlberg and the Gift on Amazon is all about betrayal.

    If you've been betrayed by loved ones, friends, co-workers, your government, politicians, or others, then you know what dirty deeds go on before, during, and after the backstabbing. Also, the book does not shy away from exposing the underside of Norwegian society:
    • how judges, prosecutors, and defense lawyers blatantly manipulate insanity defenses in criminal cases (shades of Anders Behring Breivik who killed 77 in his 2011 anti-immigrant terror spree);
    • rampant crime in Oslo; and,
    • the failed social experiment of multi-culturalism, which brought radical Islam to Norway.

    It's a sad truth but mainstream Norwegian newspapers (such as Dagbladet and Aftenposten) have finally reported that Norway's capital---Oslo---has a 400% greater crime rate than New York City and that the primary culprits are the immigrants which Norway's governments brought in to promote the social experiment of multi-culturalism. See, e.g. the Dagbladet newspaper article at

    Friday, May 18, 2012

    New publishing partner brings new and far better translation of Sohlberg and the Missing Schoolboy

    Sohlberg and the Missing Schoolboy is the 2012 release of a vibrant new translation of Death on Pilot Hill along with added material I wrote to update the book.

    My publisher is now working with Vik Crime/Blue Salamander/White Salmon, its new partner in the U.S.A.

    Vik Crime/Blue Salamander has an excellent translation and editorial staff that worked hard on "Death on Pilot Hill". The improved book has now been released as "Sohlberg and the Missing Schoolboy".

    The new translations are excellent and include material I added to update the book.